
Volunteer Opportunities
Need volunteer hours? Help us keep the library clean and sparkling!
All you have to do is:

1. Fill out a volunteer application

2. Request a cleaning bucket from the front desk

3. Go around and clean the library.

  • Wipe surfaces
  • Clean smudges on walls and windows
  • Pick up garbage from floor and grounds
  • Dust

Librarian will verify work and sign-off on hours. Hours may be completed anytime the library is open. For more information please contact hollis@mcbridelibrary.org.


Teen Center

Thanks to McBride Memorial Library, the Berwick Teen Center now has its own
mini library! If you’re an avid reader, please come check out our new
selection geared towards young adults.
The Teen Center is located at: 1130 6th Ave , Berwick, PA