
Genealogy Room
The genealogy room located on the main floor provides a print collection of local, regional, and state history books and periodicals which may be used in the library.

The library also offers:

Berwick Enterprise
May 26, 1900 – September 30, 1905
June 1, 1917 – June 22, 1918
September 9, 1919 – December 30, 1950
June 16, 1951 – December 4, 1954

Morning Press (Bloomsburg)
January 1954 – June 1983

Press Enterprise (merged in 1983)
July 1983 – Present

If you need assistance with using the microfilm reader printer please book in advance. The room may also be used for group meetings if booked in advance and if not being used for genealogical research.

Public Computers and WiFi
The McBride Library has eight internet access computers for public use, and three public catalog stations that may be used by anyone for searching the collection. 

You may log on to a computer using your library card. If you do not have a McBride library card, a limited use guest pass can be obtained at the main desk. Patrons are allowed one three-hour session per day. Free wireless internet access is available throughout the interior of the library building, and extended wifi is available exterior to the building to previously connected patrons 24/7. 

Study and Meeting Rooms and Spaces
The library has two study rooms which may be booked in advance for individual or small group study, tutoring and other quiet purposes.

A community room is available on the second floor and may be booked for programs and meetings. The room accommodates 60 persons and may be divided in half for small groups. Requests for the community room should be submitted at least a month in advance and may incur a fee for money making events. Please inquire at the library for a copy of the application.

The Library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints of any group using the meeting rooms. The library maintains the right to cancel any room reservation at any time for any reason.

All programs co-sponsored by the library and held in meeting rooms and spaces are free and open to the public.
For more information, contact the library at 570 752-2241 or email

Printing Services 
Printing & Copying
$.25 per page black-and-white; $.50 per page color

Public fax number: 570-752-8893
$2.00 for the first page
$.50 per additional page
$.25 per page to receive faxes
*There is no additional cost for our cover page*

Scan to email = free

Reading Lounge
The reading lounge is a space to relax, gather for informal meetings, play chess, and stay connected via the library’s WiFi.

Packaged snacks are available for $1.00. A coffee station offers self-service coffee and other beverages for $1.00. Community meetings and cultural programs are sometimes held in the lounge, which overlooks Judy’s Garden

English as a Second Language tutoring is available at no charge through the library for students of all ages seeking to improve their English language skills. For details, email ESL Coordinator Victoria Rainis at


Interested in becoming a volunteer tutor? Neither speaking a second language nor teaching experience is required—only a heart for volunteering and an interest in working with students one-on-one. All teaching materials are provided. Please reach out to Victoria Rainis at for details.