Veterans Heritage Center

Veterans Heritage Center at McBride Memorial Library
In the spring of 2024 a quiet corner of the library was converted to a space devoted to providing our military veterans with opportunities to learn and conduct research, as well as relax in surroundings that honor their experiences and service. The Berwick Catholic War Vets organization, led by the Rev. William Barbee of Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph parishes, raised funds for the new Veterans Heritage Center (VHC) by selling memorial flags. Although located within the library, the center is served by VHC volunteers during regular weekly hours. Special guests make occasional presentations of interest to veterans and their family members.
Browse books, pamphlets, and other library materials related to military service.
Search national databases for records of military service and unit histories.
View a list of local service members who died in combat.
Coming soon: submit a photo and biography of a local veteran for a local searchable database.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am–2pm
Volunteers are needed!
If interested, contact volunteer coordinator Catherine Seely at